As life gets older, you learn a lesson that serves you well when hard times come: Seasons don’t last forever.
Life has a tendency to undulate. For a while the good times come. Other times you feel stuck in a pit and like nothing can change it.
And you notice this in your conversations in those sadder times. Perhaps your answers aren’t what you want them to be. Either that or you find yourself lying about your wellbeing constantly. A brave face wears thin after a while.
But those answers will change in time. One day someone asks “How are you?” and you answer “really good”. And to your surprise, you actually mean it.
The value of this projected hindsight is that it can help you see beyond the chapter you are currently in. How you feel isn’t how you’ll feel permanently, no matter how massive it feels right now.
“The things that are boiling inside you turn may to steam once they reach air, and they disappear. This is better than letting them drown you.”
And while time will let seasons change, talking helps too.
Find someone who you can vent to, someone who cares enough to hear your spill out those frustrations that are festering inside you. It helps you process it.
Once you’ve expressed it enough, it starts to lose its grip.
Sometimes those things that are boiling inside you turn to steam once they reach air, and they disappear. This is better than letting them drown you.
Be aware also that it’s OK to seek professional help if you feel you need it. See your doctor about a mental health plan or recommending you to a psychologist. It’s not uncommon and doesn’t diminish you at all to get help when you need it.
Ride out the waves. This season isn’t a lifetime.
Let’s talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.