In large group conversations, there often seems to be someone who has a difficult time participating in the conversation.
Perhaps they don’t know anyone in the group or they’re new. Perhaps they are shy or lacking in confidence. Or sometimes in larger groups, there are so many people wanting to talk that interceding can be tricky.
It’s easy for this person to increasingly feel out of place. It’s like it wouldn’t matter if they were there.
So do the right thing. Help them get involved.
Everyone’s seen someone try this. It can feel clumsy & awkward to make a point of getting someone involved in the conversation when it’s free-flowing with everyone else. So what? You’re doing a good thing. And once you get over that speed bump, it means everyone can get involved in the conversation.
“It’s easy for this person to increasingly feel out of place. It’s like it wouldn’t matter if they were there.”
Don’t engage them with the lame “what do you do for work?” topic. It can often be dull and doesn’t allow for the person to enter the conversation with something fun & interesting.
So try some fun & interesting options that are universal.
Nearly everyone loves food or movies. Most people love both. So try some questions around those topics.
- What is the worst film you have seen?
- What are your 5 favorite foods?
- Which film did you love when you were a kid?
- Who would you cast to play you in a film?
- What’s the best thing you can cook?
- What is your favorite comedy?
- What is your go-to ice cream flavour?
- What is the last film you saw at the cinema?
- What do you like better: chips or pizza?
- Which film makes you cry?
And when the conversation is rolling, try something a little bigger with our huge range of conversation starters. With Awkward Silence, it’s easier to have better conversations.
Sometimes people will still struggle to get involved. You’ll ask easy questions about them and they’ll reply with “I don’t know” and shrug the shoulders. In cases like this, they need to push themselves to get involved. There’s only so much you can coax someone.
But in other cases where you pry open the oyster shell, you may find a pearl inside.
Let’s talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.